How to Moderate an Amazing Panel

How to Moderate an Amazing Panel

Most panel discussions are about a bunch of people sitting on an elevated platform or stage because they happen to have expertise which would be beneficial for the hundred odd audiences who have gathered to listen and gain. It usually has a sombre atmosphere - a top down model of information flowing from the panellist to the audience! Well, it doesn’t have to be like that and the credit for an interesting panel discussion squarely lies on the moderator.
There are moderators like who are prone to a lot of simultaneous loud talking and then there are those who are articulate and incisive.There is a need to have a bit of both in a moderator to make the panel discussion lively. That is the key word – Lively! The discussion has to have energy and interaction amongst the moderator, the panellists and the audience. That’s all there is to it but it isn’t as easy as it sounds.
Here are some tips along with a ‘To Do’ list and a ‘Not to Do’ list to help a panel moderator along the way.
Preparation before the event:

  • Have a long list of questions preferably categorised into groups. Have more than adequate questions to be on the safer side
  • Know your panellists and their area of expertise well. Have a chat with the panellists over the phone to know how well they can articulate
  • Prepare some questions for the audience
  • Practice asking the questions and focus on the intonations so that you don’t fumble

Preparations for the event:

  • Prefer semi formal clothes unless specified otherwise
  • Let the panellists know that it is okay to butt in at the end of a point or speak proactively with a “May I …”
  • It is not imperative to get all the panellists opinion on each of the points or topics, as it gets repetitive
  • Keep looking for openings to involve the audience and ask for their vote/opinion
  • Everyone should be seated comfortably and use side tables instead of tables in front of the panellists as front tables form a barrier between the panellists and the audience
  • Go with the flow and add humour or a wisecrack to enliven the atmosphere

To Do List:

  • Do some research on the personal background of the panellist and use it to show the panellists in a better light ( that he or she is not all nerd)
  • If you are not comfortable with the selection of panellists, voice your concern and have a say in the final set of panellists
  • Let the panellists introduce themselves. They have done this many times and will do a better job than you
  • You just state the overall objective of the panel discussion in a crisp manner at the beginning and lead the discussion with the opening question
  • To make it interactive, at times you could act ignorant and ask the audience for affirmation. For example, if a panellist makes a rather new or radical statement / point, you could say, “Really! Who would have thought along those lines!” “Let’s hear from the audience. Did anyone of you know this?” Then ask for comments.
  • Involve the audience preferably in the first few minutes and intermittently during the discussion. Select your audience interactions from across the room and not just the front seats
  • Be spontaneous and go off the planned track if it will make it more interesting. Basically, think on your feet
  • Keep time and have vibrating alarms going off in your pocket in decreasing intervals as cues to wind up

Not to Do List:

  • Do not become a biographer of your panellists by over researching them
  • Do not involve yourself in the discussion and end up playing the role of an extra panellist
  • Do not let any one panellist be a “mike hog”
  • Do not hesitate to cut off any panellist who is rambling or digressing
  • Avoid asking for final comments as most panellists will only recap
  • Do not allow the panellists to make any presentations unless it has been planned and timed in
  • Don’t be afraid to create any controversy related to the discussion or ask bold questions


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