5 Business Presentation Tips To Remember

5 Business Presentation Tips To Remember

Business presentations often run the risk of being dull. People phase-out, are distracted or don’t pay attention to what you’re conveying. Having your audience sit through a series of slides and keep them hooked to the idea you are selling is a skill that comes from careful planning and practice. Using a fitting presentation strategy combined with persuasive data will hold your audience’s attention and make it a success. Follow these expert tips to make your audience all ears. And eyes.
Be yourself
Before starting out, spend time taking notes and understand your presentation style. Don’t rely too much on gimmicks, jokes or over-the-top enthusiasm to drive your presentation. People like presenters who bring energy, and distilled well-presented thoughts to the table. If you are a good communicator, use it to make it an engaging to-and-fro. If you are good with data, prepare slides with infographics and graphs that are easy to digest and informative. The idea is to know what you do well and put it together in a presentation that grabs attention, maintains it and lands a punch.
Know your audience
Every presentation is different and every time the audience is different too. Be aware of the circumstances in which you are making the presentation. Is your audience knowledgeable about the topic? Does your audience know you or do you have to establish credibility first? What is the presentation’s purpose – what do you want the audience to learn, what do you get from it? Questions like these help you plan your slides in a way that makes the most impact – they anticipate audience questions and answers them, leading to greater engagement and trust.
Don’t stray
Most often, audience interest wanes when the presenter is trying to handle too many things. Ensure that you give your audience the goal and the message of the presentation at the beginning. They will relate to what you are presenting, follow your thought process more acutely and be involved in how you present your thoughts. This way, they will know their role in what you aim to achieve - land a new contract, secure funding, get approvals on a project. It will keep you on track and your presentation becomes more convincing.
Tell a story
Facts and figures are crucial but without a narrative that connects all your slides, your presentation will mean little to your audience. Using a story is a brilliant way to get your audience to participate in the idea you are selling. It puts them at ease, the progression and examples you use helps them connect at a human level. Ensure that the story you are building puts the point across. By using a story you make genuine contact, encourage participation and the slides contribute to the overall agenda.
Practice makes perfect. Before you go in front of your audience, rehearsal with your friends or team members and seek their feedback. Pour through your data, notes, and the points you want to make to know where you should put emphasis so that the message is digested with the same enthusiasm as you deliver it. The more you practice, the more you will be able to smoothly delivery your presentation and effectively manage unanticipated hitches or questions.

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