Will Machine Takeover the Manager?

Will Machine Takeover the Manager?

Does artificial intelligence scare you? Do you feel that your managerial role is becoming obsolete as powerful machines invade your territory? Computers seemingly are faster and better than people at problem-solving and delivering insights. But can software substitute the responsibility of managers? 
It will be naïve to think that technology won’t affect the roles of managers. But concurrently, it won’t render managerial roles completely redundant says a McKinsey Quarterly Report. On the contrary, role of managers will evolve. As information gets better and machines get smarter, managers may have to spend less time on day-to-day management issues. They will have to focus their time and energy doing things that machines cannot do. 
Technology cannot negotiate effectively, or motivate, lead and engage a team. These are human abilities. So, managers will have to emphasize their leadership skills, strategic thinking and creative abilities, and add a human touch which machines cannot do.  
Deep learning algorithms, big data and advanced analytics can synthesize deep and detailed information. But these dashboards of metadata cannot create themselves. Managers with domain expertise will be needed to give inputs and frame the upfront questions. Machines can give answers but it will be manager’s task to ask the right questions. 
No manager will be able to validate something by saying that, “we’re doing this because an algorithm told us to.” This means that managers will have to get a better handle on the implication of emerging business insights. This is more critical because in the near future, powerful computers will be able to provide sharper insights that will help business units take better decisions. Instead of bringing the decision upward, managers will be expected to review the results of those decisions and share its implications across teams.  
We at MYB believe that going forward, the sweet spot will be to combine domain expertise with technical skills. But it’s the human touch that will provide the ultimate edge in the era of brilliant machines.
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