Is Your Workplace Ready For The Gen Y?

Is Your Workplace Ready For The Gen Y?

Technology has permeated every facet of our lives. And in its wake, it has given birth to an entirely new generation of people – the Gen Y, aka the millennials. This is the generation that has learnt to operate tabs and phones even before holding a pen. And an increasing number of these tech-savvy individuals is rapidly making inroads into the workforce.
This new generation is accustomed to speed, efficiency and quick results. It cares about work-life integration. It wants working flexibility in terms of time and place. Not just that, the new generation wants more from work than merely taking home a pay check every month. It wants a job that is in-sync with its passion, values and dreams. As early adopters of emerging applications, devices and products, the millennial is always on a stage and the world is his platform. 
As such, this new generation of professionals is questioning the traditional ways of working and doing business. But very often, its approach to life and work is misinterpreted and criticized by the older generation. The new generation is often tagged by the older generation as impatient, intolerant, lazy, presumptuous and lacking aspiration.
The widening divide of approach to work and life is making it difficult for the older generation to collaborate with the millennials. On the other hand, the new age professionals are unable to get a strong foothold at the workplace. This is naturally leading to a friction between the generations and going forward, this can act as a barrier to professional success and rob businesses of opportunities to grow. 
To avoid such an outcome, businesses are redefining workplace dynamics. 
Old processes, protocols and bureaucracies are being shunned in favour of modern norms. Strict corporate hierarchies, cornerstones of past businesses, have now given way to flat structures that promote quick decision making and are characterized by the absence of micromanagement. Businesses are trying to integrate technology into the workplace. The typical 9-5 working hours within office walls is being replaced by flexible working hours and working from remote locations (home, coffee shop). 
It is important for businesses to understand that the new generation of professionals is more than just demographics. It is a mind-set. The need of the hour is that businesses re-energize the workforce by motivating this new generation of professionals, welcoming their ideas and syncing-in with their style.
HR will have to play the most important role and help businesses restructure the workplace. A successful organization after all depends upon the values and mind-sets of its workforce.
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